Aging in Place: The Surprising Ways Occupational Therapists can help!

When I started Home and Able, one of my goals was to bring awareness to the unique skillset Occupational Therapists can offer, especially around aging in place. caucasian woman with dark hair and bangs wearing a striped t-shirt and blue jumpsuit, showing a laptop and looking at someone off screen.

I’ve had the opportunity to present on this topic several times now. The first time was at our Vermont Occupational Therapy Association Conference last spring. More recently I spoke to the lovely folks involved with the Falls Free Vermont Coalition, a group headed up by Jason Pelopida of VT’ Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living.

Most recently I spoke to the caring folks of the Upper Valley Elder Forum, explaining the history, skills and strengths of OT in aging in place. When Carol Gaudet, director of communications at Alice Peck Day Hospital reached out about featuring my talk, I jumped at the chance to further spread this important information.

Follow this link Aging in Place and OT to read Carol’s summary and also to gain access to the talk.

Do you want to give yourself the opportunity to work with an OT and plan for aging in place? Connect with me here to schedule your free zoom or phone call. See you soon!

I am very happy to answer questions or help you consider what options might be useful for you or your loved one!
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